ActionComplete Introduces Real-time Synchronization and Integration with Google Places

October 2011 release of the GTD-based task manager improves the integration between ActionComplete for Web and ActionComplete for Android via real-time task synchronization. It also adds one more integration point with Google services - Google Places API is now used to support ActionComplete Vicinity view displaying tasks that can be completed in the proximity of the user's physical location.

Real-time sync nearly instantly reflects updates made in AC for Web on up to five Android devices running AC for Android. Updates made in AC for Android appear within a few seconds in up to five browsers running AC for Web.

Vicinity view in ActionComplete for Android is now based on Google Places API. The vicinity view shows tasks that can be accomplished at a location close to the user's whereabouts. From there the user can tap the location to get to its Google Places listing.

A user can leverage "private" places such as "Home" or "Work" by providing geographical coordinates (latitude and longitude) of the corresponding location. Tapping it will bring up a Google Map centered on the location.

To access the new features of ActionComplete for Web please force-refresh (Ctrl-F5 or similar) ActionComplete page in your browser. To access the new features of ActionComplete for Android please get the latest version of the application from Android market.