New in AC for Web: Reminders, User Interface in German and Spanish

AC for Web has been updated. The highlights of the update:

  • You can manage reminders on the web. To have the reminders set on the web sync with your phone please install AC for Android 6.4 from Android Market.
  • AC for Web is available in German, courtesy of Thomas Pauli, and Spanish, courtesy of Antonio Tabasco Cabezas.

Reminder Memos

  • Reminder time can be selected from a drop-down list in 15-minute increments.
  • You can omit the date part. In such a case it defaults to current date.
  • You can omit the time part. In this case it defaults to midnight.
  • The omission rules above are different from AC for Android where you have to specify both date and time for the reminder.


You can access German and Spanish interfaces via the drop-down list in the upper navigation panel.

Due to a technical limitation of Google App Engine, which is an underlying framework of AC for Web, I had to choose two out of three available translations based on the number of active ActionComplete users for each language. As a result an excellent Dutch translation performed by Elwin Varkevisser did not make the cut.

I'm trying to find a meaningful workaround for the issue to make possible further internationalization of AC for Web.


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